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Self Care

A woman mediating in a calm environment

You have an incredible role to play in the care and management of your lupus. The actions you take every day in what you eat, how you move your body, and even your feelings and beliefs have a tremendous impact on your health. With lupus, special attention is given to caring for your skin, nutrition, protecting yourself from infection and safe medication use. Working with doctors and other healthcare providers is critical but, between appointments, the responsibility for improving your wellbeing and health falls to you. There are a wide variety of self-care techniques that can help you manage some aspects of your lupus symptoms. These self-care techniques can be used in combination with clinical care or on their own. Visit the self-care modules below to learn more about strategies you can use to help manage your lupus symptoms.

This video describes how self care can help with your chronic pain symptoms:

Click on the self-care modules below to learn more about strategies you can use to help manage your lupus symptoms.

Human dummy with acupressure points marked up and down the spine and back
A male patient in conversation with a woman in the foreground
Cognitive & Speech Rehab
Two men walking while in conversation
Communication Skills
A man working on tablet device while sitting at a desk
Goal Setting
a myriad of images of the same woman experiencing a slew of emotions
Managing Emotions
Two large bowls absolutely delicious looking salad
A woman smiling and working in her garden
A woman in activewear doing sit ups
Physical Activity
a woman doing tai chi with a group of people
Raynaud's Disease
a woman doing tai chi with a group of people
a woman meditating
a woman meditating
Reproductive Health
A man in nature, smiling
A man looking into a mirror and applying some face lotion
Skin & Circulation Care
a man doing tai chi on a mat in a field
Tai Chi
A tidy, well-lit, cozy home environment
Tailoring Your Environment
An attentive man in conversation with a woman
Understanding Triggers
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